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How To Set Up Your Email in Alto (iOS/Android App)

1. Open Alto

2. When Adding an Account, choose "Other", with the Envelope Icon

3. Enter your full email address (john@example.com) and password, then click "Show Advanced Settings"

4. For Incoming Mail Server:
- User Name: Your full email address (john@example.com)
- Host Name: mail.b.hostedemail.com (change yourdomain.com to your actual domain name)
- Port: 143
- Security: None

5. For Outgoing Mail Server:
- User Name: Your full email address (john@example.com)
- Host Name: mail.b.hostedemail.com (change yourdomain.com to your actual domain name)
- Port: 587
- Security: None

** Please Note when changing values, some inputs may change (Host name). Make sure to change them back to mail.yourdomain.com (change yourdomain.com to your actual domain name).

6. Your email should now be functioning in Alto.

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