1. Open Settings from Top Slidedown Menu or Home Screen
2. Go to Accounts > Email, Calendar and Contacts
3. Enter your full Email Address (johndoe@website.com) > Click Next
4. Enter the password for your Email Address, tap "Advanced" along the bottom
5. When prompted which type of account, select IMAP
6. Use the following to fill in the inputs:
- Description: (Your Company Name) Email - Display Name: Your full name - Username: Your full email (johndoe@website.com, Should already be filled in) ----------------------------- - Email Address: Your full email (johndoe@website.com, Should already be filled in) - Password: Your password for email address (Should already be filled in) ----------------------------- - Server Address: mail.b.hostedemail.com - Port: 143 - Encryption: Off - IMAP Path Prefix: Leave Blank
*Note: If having your email seccured with HTTPS/SSL is important to you, please visit this page for Host Name settings and Port settings ----------------------------- - SMTP Username: Your full email (johndoe@website.com, Should already be filled in) - SMTP Password: Your password for email address (Should already be filled in) - SMTP Server Address: mail.yourdomain.com (If your domain is google.com, this would be mail.google.com) - SMTP Port: 587 - SMTP Encryption: Off ----------------------------- - Use push if supported: On (Default Value) - Sync Interval: Your choice - Initial Retrieval Amount: Your choice
7. Click Done
*Note For POP settings: Incoming server use Port 110, Outgoing server use Port 587